Beach in the north of Silhouette

Interesting facts about ANSE MONDON:
Anse Mondon Silhouette, Seychelles

Silhouettethe third largest Island the Seychelles is located about 40 minutes by ferry from Labriz Jetty on Mahé.
This can be booked directly at the Hilton Hotel, costs about 100€ and includes the ferry and lunch.

The small beach Anse Mondon is truly not easy to achieve.
To get there you have to estimate about 2 hours (one way). The trail is partly quite steep and slippery. There are about 400 meters of altitude difference on 3 km trail.
The trail start is at the end of the beach Baie Cipailles and there's a sign every 0.5 KM.
Good shoes and sufficient water are absolutely recommended.

Shortly before you reach the beach you pass some ruins. The former Anse Mondon Village
In 1827 133 people lived here, including 112 slaves.
There were about 10 houses and among other things cocoa, cloves and coconuts were planted.
Around 1990 there were only 2 inhabitants, meanwhile the city is completely abandoned.
Anse Mondon is a relatively protected beach.
From April to October during the southeast monsoon this is a great place for swimming, snorkeling and picnicking. In the north-west monsoon between October and April, on the other hand, the beach has completely disappeared and only at low tide can you see some fragments of sand between the rocks.


From the port in La Passe in northern direction.
Either through the Hilton Hotel or at low tide along the beach Anse La Passe.
Continue over the beach Baie Cipailles, at the end of the beach the trail begins.
It takes about 30 minutes to get here and another 1.5 hours to Anse Mondon. Palm tree

Karl Schnürch
Author: Karl Schnürch

In 2007 I started the website to write everything I experienced from my head. Since then I have been constantly optimizing and expanding to eventually present a complete picture of Seychelles on this site.

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