Denis, Seychelles Island


Denis, Seychelles Island

Things to know about Denis Island:

Denis is about twice the size of Bird and lies about 95 km north of Mahé (and 45 km east of Bird). The vegetation is denser than on Bird, and with its wild and romantic ambience, Denis Island is an ideal candidate for honeymoons and honeymooners. It is shielded on the south and east sides by a protective coral reef, which creates ideal conditions for snorkellers. A lighthouse - along with some historic buildings - still remains from the days of the coconut palm plantation.
Around 50 islanders live in the former planter settlement, who also raise livestock and grow vegetables, which are mainly sold in the Kitchen of the island accommodation is used.

Denis Private Island offers 23 comfortably furnished chalets and two very spacious villas. On land you can go for a walk, play tennis or just sunbathe, in the Water Kayaking or windsurfing. Directly in front of the bungalows are beautiful beaches of fine white sand. The PADI diving school on the island offers diving excursions and lessons for beginners and advanced divers. In addition, Denis is also an ideal starting point for deep-sea fishing trips.

Karl Schnürch
Author: Karl Schnürch

In 2007 I started the website to write everything I experienced from my head. Since then I have been constantly optimizing and expanding to eventually present a complete picture of Seychelles on this site.

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