Interesting facts about the LAZARE PICAULT MONUMENT:

The one known as "Anchor". Lazare Picault Monument Monument is located in the protected bay "Anse Gaulettes" in the district "Baie Lazare". The monument was inaugurated in November 1992 to commemorate Lazare Picault's historic event.
In August 1742, the ships Elisabeth and Charles, under the command of Picault, sailed north from the Isle de France into unknown waters. Although they found islands inhabited by giant land tortoises on the way, they found no drinking water. Desperation grew after more than 3 months at sea and finally, on 19 November 1742, the crew of the Elisabeth sighted a high, unknown island. As they got closer, they realised it was several islands. Picault believed he had discovered the legendary islands of "Tres Irmaos".

In the afternoon of 21 November the Elisabeth and her sister ship reached the main island. Although there was little time left before sunset, Picault sent two reconnaissance teams ashore. Freshwater, turtles and fish were found in abundance in rivers and in the sea, so that Picault first called the island "L'Ile d'Abondance" (Island of Abundance), which was later called the Seychelles became known.

Lazare Picault was probably not the first person to see and enter the Seychelles, yet he is considered to be its discoverer. Beaches, hotels and also the district "Baie Lazare" are named after him in the Seychelles.


Travel time from Victoria about 45 minutes.
Go south on the Bois des Rose Avenue and turn right at the roundabout in Roche Caiman. Take La Misere Road over the hill to Grand Anse, turn left onto Westcoast Road and follow this road for about 20 minutes.
In the village of Baie Lazare past the petrol station, continue along the "Baie Lazare Art Gallery", now the beach Anse Gaulette is a little bit hidden behind the trees. The monument is located directly at the main road in the back third of the beach just before the Lazare Picault Hotel

You can park at the roadside

Route 5 Baie Lazare via Takamaka
Route 6 Baie Lazare via Les Canelles
Route 11 Baie Lazare via La Misere

Karl Schnürch
Author: Karl Schnürch

In 2007 I started the website to write everything I experienced from my head. Since then I have been constantly optimizing and expanding to eventually present a complete picture of Seychelles on this site.

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