The plague epidemic in Madagascar continues

The plague epidemic in Madagascar persists and shows no signs of abating yet

Press release from 13.10.2017

A passenger who was on the Seychelles flight on Friday 6 October to the Seychelles came, became unwell on Monday 9 October. He has since been admitted to the hospital for isolation, examination and treatment. Yesterday was day 3 after admission and he was stable. As his rapid test was weakly positive, he is being treated as a probable case. Confirmatory tests will be done at the overseas reference laboratory.


Karl Schnürch

Since Monday 9 October, there have been several other shootings that have been directly or indirectly linked to the first probable case.

A foreigner who had no contact with the first case or a known case on Tuesday, 10 October, with fever and mild respiratory symptoms. He is admitted in isolation. The rapid test carried out on his sputum on 11 October was found to be weakly positive. This result has not yet been confirmed by the Pasteur Institute. A sample was sent abroad for confirmation.
His contacts have been traced and are receiving antibiotic prophylaxis.
Yesterday, a woman (26) with fever and respiratory symptoms was taken to hospital and placed in isolation. As a precaution, she was treated with antibiotics during the tests.

● One of the children admitted to the hospital on Tuesday had contact with certain children at Anse Boileau School earlier this week. As a precaution, all children and primary school children are being given prophylaxis at school this morning. Parents will be contacted by phone or text message this morning to come with their children. A team of health workers and Red Cross workers will be there to give them precautionary treatment.

● The total number of admitted is 12. All admitted patients are treated with prescribed antibiotics as a precaution. It is important to note that patients who are admitted do not necessarily have the disease - their admission is precautionary.


● Over 320 people who have had contact with the probable case have so far been prescribed antibiotics as prophylaxis.

● If someone on prophylaxis develops fever and cough and other symptoms, they should contact their health centre or the following numbers.

The Ministry of Health has reopened the military academy to isolate close contact with the case. These are the close family members (11).
All arriving passengers (visitors and residents) who have visited Madagascar in the last seven days and who arrive in Seychelles via other routes, will be included in the Military Pedagogy Perseverance set up in isolation.

Regional health centres (Beau Vallon, English River, Les Mamelles, Anse Boileau health centres and Anse Royale hospital) are used to assess contact and offer prophylaxis.

The Public Health Agency (PHA) is reinforcing the recommendation to prevent people from travelling to Madagascar for the time being. Palm tree

Karl Schnürch
Author: Karl Schnürch

In 2007 I started the website to write everything I experienced from my head. Since then I have been constantly optimizing and expanding to eventually present a complete picture of Seychelles on this site.

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