Address by President Danny Faure on the situation of COVID-19
Our world faces a common enemy. Today, as a people that has always welcomed others, and as a nation that knows the value of unity, we express our solidarity with countries and people around the world at war with this virus.
Here in the Seychelles our situation is as follows:
No one is in house quarantine anymore.
We have 65 people in the quarantine station Berjaya Beau Vallon Bay and 8 people in the quarantine station of the coast guard under quarantine.
Of the 11 patients who tested positive for coronavirus, 2 have been cured after consistently testing negative on several occasions. 3 others have tested negative for the first time and are waiting for further negative tests before being declared cured. The Dutch gentleman is currently recovering and is also waiting for his additional COVID 19 tests to be negative.
To date, we have performed 426 rapid tests on contacts, and none of them has COVID-19.
We have also done 280 PCR tests, i.e. confirmatory tests, and so far we have only had these 11 cases that have tested positive.
We are continuing to track contacts and I would like to thank everyone who has provided us with information. Thank you for your cooperation.
Last week, on 9 April, measures to restrict the free movement of our people came into force.
In view of the possibility of a Community-wide transfer of COVID-19, we took these measures at an early stage in order to bring the situation under control and interrupt the transfer chain. The virus is moving fast and we must do the same.
We are entering this next phase of our response early to avoid overloading our healthcare system. We cannot afford complacency. Therefore, we must continue to respect the actions of the Ministry of Health. We all have a role to play.
I know that young people want to go back to school at home, that they want to see their friends. I know that the workers want to go back to work. I know that companies want to reopen. In other words, we all want life to return to normal.
For us to return to normality, it is crucial that each of us plays our part and helps to break the community transmission chain. Your actions will be crucial to our collective ability to stop the spread of COVID-19. If we all stay at home, down to the bare necessities, and follow physical distancing whenever we go out, there will be no new cases of COVID-19 in the country and we will be able to gradually lift certain measures.
I don't underestimate the gravity of what's being asked of you. I know these measures are not easy to follow. What we should recognise today is that we must stop the transmission of this virus in our community at all costs, and we can do so. Our future depends on the efforts that each and every one of us makes to protect and preserve ourselves. If we are successful after this time, we hope that we will be able to relax the restrictions. If not, we will have to live with them longer. For this reason it is important to follow the existing measures.
Seychellois brothers and sisters,
After a meeting I had this morning with the Law Enforcement Committee and after consulting the Commissioner for Public Health, Doctor Jude Gédéon, we see that people are still moving at night, which is a serious threat to public health.
In accordance with the current Public Health Emergency Law, two additional measures must therefore be taken.
Tonight I would like to announce that we will have further restrictions on the movement of people from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. on Friday 17 April. This measure will remain in force until 29 April.
During this period, only the police will be on the road with the support of the army, with the exception of some key personnel in critical services. In view of the nature of their work, they will receive special permits during this period. The list of critical services will be published by the Commissioner for Public Health.
Secondly, all shops will be closed from 18.00 in the evening until 6.30 the next morning. This will also take effect from Friday 17 April.
Tonight I call on the people to respect the law that will come into force this Friday. Our plan is simple. We can stop the spread by staying home and reducing contact. Now is the time to act. If we all act responsibly and cooperate fully, we will be able to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19 in the Seychelles and recover some of the elements from before the pandemic.
The next two weeks that lie ahead of us are two critical weeks for all of us. For the next two weeks, I ask each of us to extend our maximum cooperation. All people who are outside essential services should stay at home and stop all interactions with people outside your household. Follow the rules. Follow the instructions of the Ministry of Health carefully.
Tonight I would like to thank all our citizens who have taken their responsibility seriously, who have taken note of and followed all the actions and advice of the Ministry of Health. I say to you all: I thank you for your cooperation and your sense of solidarity. I thank you for doing the right thing.
Seychellois brothers and sisters,
I acknowledge and express my gratitude for this health system, which many generations have worked hard to build. Our mission today is very clear: to protect the health of all Seychellois without exception. Let us appreciate what we have and recognize that we must work harder together to improve it.
I would like to thank all our health care workers, our volunteers and everyone else for their extraordinary work. I thank her family, her loved ones and those who are caring for her in this difficult time.
My special thanks go to all those involved in essential services for their hard work, sacrifice and commitment.
Seychellois brothers and sisters,
I know that each of us has our own considerations. It is clear to me that this pandemic gives us a deeper understanding of what is important. Life, family and friendship. Community support, solidarity and unity.
This is an extraordinary moment in our lives in which each of us, each of us, has a role to play in protecting our country. None of us can do it alone. We do it together. Together, as a family. This is what the Seychellois nation is all about.
I would like to share with you the words of a young 14-year-old girl who told me that while listening to the radio and watching the news, she appreciates how much the Seychelles is focusing on containing the spread of COVID-19 in the Seychelles.
Their spirit has not been consumed by negativity or false propaganda. Your generation has understood that in such a situation we must always be on our guard if we want to confront this virus and emerge victorious. I salute you and your generation.
In 10 years this generation will be part of our workforce. They will have many challenges to overcome. But if they continue to work for this spirit of positivity, understanding and solidarity, they will succeed.
These are the values that will help us to defeat this pandemic, one of the greatest threats to our existence today. We have everything we need to announce once and for all a victory over COVID-19 in the Seychelles.
Let us stay well informed. Let us remain calm. Let's stay united. For our own good and the good of our country.
May God continue to bless our Seychelles and protect our people.
I thank you and wish you a good evening.
In 2007 I started the website to write everything I experienced from my head. Since then I have been constantly optimizing and expanding to eventually present a complete picture of Seychelles on this site.