The Silhouette national park was published on 7 August 2010 by President James Michel, opening.
Silhouette Island is the third largest island in the inner granite island group of the Seychelles archipelago, and the government has declared 93 per cent of it a nature reserve.
The island of Silhouette is known for its impressive mountain peaks, Mont Dauban (740 m), Mont-Pot-a-Eau (621 m), Gratte Fesse (515 m), Mont Corgat (502 m), Mont Cocos Marrons (500 m), and for being one of the richest biodiversity hotspots in the Western Indian Ocean. It is home to many endemic and endangered plant and animal species and has large areas of primeval forest, tropical rainforest and also breathtaking viewpoints. It is also home to the little known Silhouette Pocket Bats.
The Silhouette National Park explanation reflects the importance of the survival of this area and its endangered species.